Terra de Gretchen Powell + Giveaway

Titlu original:  Terra

Autor: Gretchen Powell

Gen: Distopic

Anul aparitiei: 2012

Buy from: amazon | barnes & noble | kobo

In the distant wake of a plague that has decimated the Earth’s population, humanity is split in two. The rich and powerful live in skycities that float overhead, while those who remain on the ground have gathered in settlements strewn across a dying planet. Eighteen-year-old Terra Rhodon makes her living as a scav, scouting the earth for discarded scraps and metals to recycle for profit. While on a routine scavenging run, she discovers something that shocks her home settlement of Genesis X-16.

Terra suddenly finds herself asking questions no one will answer. Fueled by curiosity, her search for the truth ultimately leads her to Adam–a beguiling boy with a secret that has the power to change humanity’s existence forever

Nu stiu cum se intampla dar ma gasesc inca odata in zona distopicului. Intamplator sau nu , am dat peste Terra pe goodreads si recunosc ca m-a atras prin coperta.

I don’t know how it happens but I find myself once more in the dystopian zone. Random or not , I found „Terra” on goodreads and I admit: I was VERY attracted by the cover.

In „Terra” ni se prezinta o lume noua , si desi in celelalte carti distopice , gasim tot aceleasi orase parasite si un oras care le conduce , aici lumea este impartita altfel. Orasul parasit in care se desfasoara actiunea se numeste Genesis X-16 iar „capitala” este un oras in cer. Da, ati auzit bine. Pe cele doua orase le desparte straturi si straturi de atmosfera. Bogatia si saracia la milioane de km diferenta una de alta.

In „Terra” we are introduced to a whole new world, and , even if it’s the same pattern with lost cities and a big one who commands them , here it’s divided different. The lost city where the action happens it’s called Genesis X-16 and the „capital” it’s a skycity. Yes , you heard very well. Richness and poverty are separated by millions of kilometers.

Pe Terra au parasit-o toti. Initial mama care murise , tatal care a parasito dupa moartea mamei , apoi bunica. Asa ca acum a trebuit sa preia stacheta si sa aiba grija de fratele ei mai mic, Mica. Este un personaj puternic care desi la inceput , cand Mica avea cea mai mare nevoie de ea , durerea a invins-o , lasandu-i pe amandoi flamanzi , aceasta decide sa se puna pe picioare si sa fie capul familiei. Mi-a placut pentru ca este personajul tipic care imi place mie , plina de sarcasm si vitalitate. Iar relatia cu Mica a fost pe gustul meu, Mica fiind adolescentul care este plin de toane iar Terra trebuie sa i le infrunte.

Terra was abandoned by all the people she cared about. Initially by her mother , who died , after that her father left her and then her grandmother. So now , she had to pull herself together and take care of her little brother , Mica. even if at first she was nearly killed by the pain , she is a strong character , started scavenging and took care of her family. It’s the typical character that I like: full of sarcasm and strong. I loved her relationship with Mica , because he is a teenager with mood swings and she had to deal with them.

In poveste intra si Adam atunci cand o salveaza de niste barbati. Acesta ii spune ca face parte dintr-o echipa de cercetare si ca vrea sa vina cu ea inapoi ca sa ii prezinte orasul. Terra , desi este reticenta la inceput , accepta , fiind totusi suspicioasa chiar daca i-a salvat viata. Intre Adam si Mica este dragoste la prima vedere , am putea spune. Intre Adam si Terra? Lucrurile sunt extrem de complicate. Dar dupa cum stiti , opusurile se atrag si vom avea parte de scantei. Adam este un personaj cheie , pentru ca el va declansa actiunea datorita trecutului sau. O va pune in pericol pe Terra sau nu ? Ramane sa cititi ca sa aflati.

Meet Adam , who saves Terra from some raiders. He tells her he’s a researcher and asks her to come with her back in the city so she can present it to him. Terra , even if she didn’t want at first , accepts , but she still doesn’t trust him even if he saved her life. Between Adam and Mica , is love at first sight. Between Adam and Terra? Things are extremely complicated but remember , opposites attract and we’ll have some sparks here and there. Adam is a key character because his past is the trigger to all problems. Will he  put Terra on danger? You’ll have to read and see.

Cartea m-a tinut langa ea incontinuu pentru ca mi-au fost prezentate elemente noi de distopic pe care nu ma asteptam sa le intalnesc , personaje care au fost pe placul meu si actiunea care nu te plictiseste in niciun moment.

I couldn’t let the book out of my hands because I met new dystopian elements , characters that got to my heart and the action never bored me.

Nota mea:


Deasemenea vreau sa ii multumesc autoarei ca mi-a dat oportunitatea sa citesc aceasta carte si ca a fost extrem de draguta cu mine.

Also , I wanted to thank the author for giving me the opportunity to read the book and that she was extremely nice to me !

16217407Si voi trebuie sa ii multumiti autoarei pentru ca a fost draguta sa sustina un concurs.

Perioada de participare:

De astazi 27.01.2013 pana pe 14.02.2013 ca sa primiti o veste buna de ziua indragostitilor.


1.Cartea „Terra” care va va fi trimisa de autoare personal. (O sa ii spun sa va lase si o mica dedicatie pe carte)

2. O copie electronica a cartii pentru locul doi

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